Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving 2024

 Happy Thanksgiving.

Isn't it amazing how God works? We are in the middle of the Sermon Series entitled "Rejoice and be Thankful" as we run into Thanksgiving. That was all God and not my little mind planning things out. That is what the whole series is about. Let's not make this just a one-day-a-year thing, where we have set aside this one day to remember to give God thanks. Oh, we will all, I included, say grace at the big dinner with family and friends and when people ask me what am I thankful for, I will answer this...

My life, for without Him, I would not even be here in the first place.

My Wife. Without Him, I would not have been so blessed with a woman who supports me in any and every way. One that loves me no matter what. One that serves together with me. One that I truly love.

My three beautiful children. Joshua my firstborn son. Elijah, the second, and of course, my Baby girl the princess, Maya.

My two homes, and 17 acres, when so many have lost theirs.

Truck, Jeep, Jeep.

Food on the table.

Pretty much anything and everything.

The Word of God declares.
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
I do have a question for you. If you are like me and are truly thankful to God for, well, everything, then why do you only give Him thanks once a year?? Also, is giving Him thanks in the method of speaking, merely saying it, enough, for all He has done for you?
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6
What does this mean? It means you are a child of God. He is your Father, yet rather, He is your Daddy. He is your Daddy 24-7 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, from the time you were adopted until the day you leave this earth to go to be with Him. Not one day a week, if you feel like going to church, and not one day a year.

God wants a one-on-one relationship with you. Oh yes, of course, He wants to be invited to Thanksgiving day dinner, but He also wants a one-on-one, daily, relationship with you. He wants to be there when you get up. He wants to be there when you lay down. He wants to be there in everything in between. The good times. The bad times. He wants to meet your needs, comfort you, and laugh with you. He wants you to BE His child.
"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15
We should be those people that other people look at and go, "Wait, what?" Seriously, we should be those people that we have all known or have known of. Those weirdos. Those strange people. Always seemingly happy, no matter what is going on. Always ready to serve others. Always with a kind word and a warm embrace. Open and honest. Loving.

Am I saying that we should not celebrate Thanksgiving? Of course not. I will be. I do it right every year. Get as stuffed as the turkey and pass out in my chair attempting to watch something on TV.

What I AM saying is, don't forget to give thanks to God the other 364. He is not only God then, but He is God always.


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