Sunday, July 10, 2022

Simply True, Truth itself

The Importance of Knowing the Truth

Welcome. Today we are going to start a new series that is entitled "Simply True." During the last few messages, and recent conversations and debates I have been engaged in, the common question keeps coming up. this is a common question that is asked of me, and many "Christians," or children of God, all the time. It comes in various forms, but it usually comes as one of four.

1- "Whose truth are you talking about? What is your truth may not be other people's truth."

2- "God? What god? There are many. Why is your God real and the only one?"

3- "Bible? Is this not just a book written thousands of years ago by men to control people?"

4- "Jesus? What if I do not believe in Jesus? Are you say all other religions are false?"

This is what we will be attempting to answer, in the next few weeks. We will spend time on each in the hope, that following this in-depth study into these most common questions, you will?

1- Understand the reality of the Truth.
2- Be comforted that you are in the right. Even if others do not agree with you.
3- To possibly even equip you with some answers to help you when others ask.

In a way, these are good questions. They can be powerful tools for you to use, to educate the one asking. They are sometimes meant to be insulting, but as with many things, God can use them for good. Let's start with Truth. Is there universal Truth? Or is all truth relevant? Here is the difference.

Absolute Truth? Truth is. Plain and simple. Truth has no agenda. Truth is. Nothing else matters. Truth is. Everything else is perception. Everything else is interpretation. Truth just is. It doesn't have a desire to be justified. It cares not for your opinion or acceptance. It just is, if you believe in it or not.


Truth is created not discovered. Truth is a matter of perspective and each culture or individual defines for themselves what is truth. Since truth is invented, there is no universal transcultural truth. Each culture or individual will define truth differently according to their background and perspective.
Truth changes. Since it is inseparably connected to individuals and cultures which continually change, truth perpetually changes.

This means one’s beliefs can change a truth statement. Since an individual determines truth, truth is affected by the attitude of the one professing it. There can be no such thing as absolute truth.

This is simply not true. Seriously, if this was proposed a few years back, and or, if it was to be proposed to anyone with common sense and the ability to think for themselves, it would and should be considered nonsensical and absurd.

Here is an example I recently used. If someone came to me and told me that there is this place, give me directions on how to get there, explain to me that this place has all the things I need to meet my needs, from food to clothes, to appliances to whatever, and all I have to do is go there and use the system they put in place, and I can benefit from it. Its name is Walmart.

Now I can choose to disbelieve them. I can choose to not accept what they say. I can choose to even argue with them. However? As you are well aware, there is a place called Walmart. If I followed their direction and instructions, I would indeed benefit from going there. Walmart is Truth. It exists if you believe in it or not. What they told me is true. My disbelief does not change that.

Heaven and Hell are real. If you understand the directions and the instructions on how to avoid hell and go to heaven, you will. If not? It really does not matter if you choose not to accept it or you choose to argue about it, They simply are.

I've used this analogy before as well. Take the glass. Half of the glass is liquid. Half is taken up with air. That is the truth. Now some see it as half full. Some see it as half empty. Some call the liquid in the glass water since it is clear to the eye. Some call it alcohol. Some say they do not know what it is. Others may attempt to explain the emptiness of the glass as being oxygen. Some suggest that it is CO2. Some may even say it may be helium.

Then you have those that attempt to justify the glass. Where did it come from? Why is it there? What is the purpose? Is there a deeper meaning than, it is? Some may even argue that the glass is not really there. That it doesn't exist. However, none of this changes the fact that there is a glass. None of this changes the fact that in the glass there is liquid taking up half the space, and there is an absence of liquid taking up the other. That is the truth.

Now many that accept the glass, are right. Those that reject the glass are wrong. In the glass, the liquid is water. Those that accept the fact that it is water, are right. Those that thought it to be, or claim it to be anything else, no matter how clever they may think they are, are wrong. The truth is. Anything else, is not the truth, therefore, wrong.

Those that accepted the truth are right. Was it the glass that justified them? What about those that were wrong? Was it the glass that condemned them into false perception? No. The truth is. It really is this simple.

Truth in all things exists. The importance of knowing the truth is simple. Once you know the truth, you will never fall for a lie. You know your name. That is true. When I was born, I was given the name Peter. That is the truth. If someone came up to me and said, "Your name is Bob," they would be wrong. I would understand that they are mistaken, or, if after corrected, they continue to call me Bob, I will then know that they are lying and have no desire to know the truth. So I would no longer waste my time attempting to correct them.

We read this in the Word. Jesus tells us this.
"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." John 16:13
The world has decided that they want the truth to be relevant. Why? Because if they can change the truth whenever they become uncomfortable, then all is good. Used to be this country was founded on the Gospel of Jesus. Then we got the fictitious wall of separation. Used to be God is God. Now no god is ok. Used to be "the Truth" that abortion is murder. Then we got "Certain times is not only ok," to now "No abortion is murder." We went from Marriage between a man and a woman, to "Gay marriage," "self-marriage," Beastiality" "Pedophilia," and many other ridiculous concepts being called equal to Biblical Marriage and should be honored and seen as truth.

If you accept the world's attempt to make truth relative, then you join them in celebrating sin. You must be careful, child of God.
"The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Psalms 145:18
This does not mean my truth, your truth, or their truth. It means THE Truth. Not swaying with the world and trying to figure out what to believe. That was wrong but now it is right? This was sin, now there is no sin? No.
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18
I know I know, sometimes when you are trying to witness someone, they tell you that your truth is not for them. They try to tell you things like it's this or that year. You are old fashion and out of date in your beliefs. Truth has changed and this or that is not acceptable and if you say different, then YOU are the one with the problem. You are hateful.

The problem is, knowing that someone is on their way to hell and on their way to eternal damnation and remaining silent as you watch them walk toward is NOT compassion or love. It is NOT hateful to try to show someone the error of their belief. To show someone the Truth. It is not hateful to talk about Jesus. Do not be intimidated, or shamed into remaining silent.

This is the whole reason we are called to be children of God.
"He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created." James 1:18
You cannot, nor will you ever, find the absolute truth in the world. You may even become offended. You will most likely become offended at something you hear in the Word of God. If you hear something in the Word, and if you become offended, please consider looking more closely at yourself. Research it yourself. Seek out the truth. Remember, it is. It matters not your acceptance. That is why I encourage you to NEVER take anything you see here, or, just blindly accept anything, anyone, ever, tells you, as absolute fact. Seek it out for yourself. If you know the truth, you can never be misled.

We ARE the children of God and we are the keepers of truth.
"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession, to the praise of his glory." Ephesians 1:13-14
This is why it is so very important that you find the absolute Truth for yourself. A good place to start? {Holding up the Bible} Right here. This IS absolute Truth, and it is the living Word of the Living God. "But wait a second? God? What version of god are you talking about? Who's god?"

There is only one God. More on that next time. Do you know Jesus as your Savior? Is He asleep in your boat? Ready to calm the storms? Have you been adopted into the Family of God? If not, say this Prayer. Right now. Wherever you may be. Say it in your own words, and do not doubt in your heart. God will hear you. He will send the Spirit of Life to you. Let us Pray.

"Oh heavenly Father, Lord God. I am a sinner. I know this. I know there is nothing I can do to change that. But I know you can. I accept Jesus's sacrifice for me. I believed He rose from the dead. I repent my sins. Please send the Spirit of Adoption into my life. Help me to get to know the real you. Save me. Please. In the name of Jesus, Amen!"

That's it. It really is that simple. Now go tell someone what you have just done. "That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead, You shall be saved." Romans 10:9. You need to find a Church that God leads you to and be Baptized the way Jesus said to be. You are now a Child of God. A New Creature. You "have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him."Colossians 3:10

If you want to tell me, comment, question, give testimonials, or just say "Hi," the Email is

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13

Until next time, be blessed, be a blessing, and Jesus is Lord!!

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